A guide to Annotations in Spring Boot - Part 1
If you are a Spring Boot developer, or you just started the road in this town, you must have used various kinds of annotations. When I started my first project, I used them just to get the project done but then I started exploring them and jotted them down for my easy understanding. Here I list some of the annotations which are commonly used in entity class with their meanings and use.
For this post, I am going to cover all the annotations covered in this piece of code:
public class User {
private Long id;
@Column(name = "USER_NAME", length = 50, nullable = false, unique = true)
private String userName;
@Column(name="FIRST_NAME", length = 50, nullable = false)
private String firstName;
@Column(name="LAST_NAME", length = 50, nullable = false)
private String lastName;
@Column(name="EMAIL", length = 50, nullable = false)
private String email;
@Column(name = "ROLE", length = 50, nullable = false)
private String role;
- JPA Annotation:
- Used to mark a POJO class in Java as persistence table in the database
- It converts each variable in the POJO class as a field/column in table
public class Demo{
JPA Annotation:
This is used to name the table. We can change entity name using this. And it is not necessary to have the same entity and table name.
JPA Annotation:
This annotation is provided by Lombok dependency
It generates a default constructor for class with no parameters
JPA Annotation:
This annotation is provided by Lombok dependency
It generates a constructor requiring an argument for every field/variable in the annotated class(entity)
JPA Annotation:
Provided by Lombok dependency
Provides getter methods for every field
JPA Annotation:
Provided by Lombok dependency
Provides setter methods for every field
JPA Annotation:
Provided by Lombok dependency
method for the annotated class
JPA Annotation:
Marks the field as the primary key in the table
JPA Annotation:
This is to specify how the primary key must be generated.
It has many strategies for generating keys, default is Auto which is like Auto_Increment in MySql
Column(name, length, nullable, unique)
JPA Annotation:
This is to specify the column properties like name, length of value(if a string), it can be null or not and then unique which defines if the column value should be unique
I will bring more in part 2 of this post. This is my first post, so I would love to hear what I can do better.